Herpes viruses -- more commonly known as herpes -- are categorized into two types: herpes type 1 (HSV-1, or oral herpes) and herpes type 2 (HSV-2, or genital herpes). Most commonly, herpes type 1 causes sores around the mouth and lips (sometimes called fever blisters or cold sores). HSV-1 can cause genital herpes, but most cases of genital herpes are caused by herpes type 2. In HSV-2, the infected person may have sores around the genitals or rectum. Although HSV-2 sores may occur in other locations, these sores usually are found below the waist.
What Causes Herpes Infections and Outbreaks?
Herpes simplex type 1, which is transmitted through oral secretions or sores on the skin, can be spread through kissing or sharing objects such as toothbrushes or eating utensils. In general, a person can only get herpes type 2 infection during sexual contact with someone who has a genital HSV-2 infection. It is important to know that both HSV-1 and HSV-2 can be spread even if sores are not present.
Pregnant women with genital herpes should talk to their doctor, as genital herpes can be passed on to the baby during childbirth.
For many people with the herpes virus, which can go through periods of being dormant, attacks (or outbreaks) can be brought on by the following conditions:
General illness (from mild illnesses to serious conditions)
Physical or emotional stress
Immunosuppression due to AIDS or such medications as chemotherapy or steroids
Trauma to the affected area, including sexual activity
What Are the Symptoms of Herpes Simplex?
Symptoms of herpes simplex virus typically appear as a blister or as multiple blisters on or around affected areas -- usually the mouth, genitals, or rectum. The blisters break, leaving tender sores.
How Is Herpes Simplex Diagnosed?
Often, the appearance of herpes simplex virus is typical and no testing is needed to confirm the diagnosis. If a health care provider is uncertain, herpes simplex can be diagnosed with lab tests, including DNA -- or PCR -- tests and virus cultures.
How Is Herpes Simplex Treated?
Although there is no cure for herpes, treatments can relieve the symptoms. Medication can decrease the pain related to an outbreak and can shorten healing time. They can also decrease the total number of outbreaks. Drugs including Famvir, Zovirax, and Valtrex are among the drugs used to treat the symptoms of herpes. Warm baths may relieve the pain associated with genital sores.
How Painful Is Herpes Simplex?
Some people experience very mild genital herpes symptoms or no symptoms at all. Frequently, people infected with the virus don't even know they have it. However, when it causes symptoms, it can be described as extremely painful. This is especially true for the first outbreak, which is often the worst. Outbreaks are described as aches or pains in or around the genital area or burning, pain, or difficulty urinating. Some people experience discharge from the vagina or penis.
Oral herpes lesions (cold sores) usually cause tingling and burning just prior to the breakout of the blisters. The blisters themselves can also be painful.
Can Herpes Be Cured?
There is no cure for herpes simplex. Once a person has the virus, it remains in the body. The virus lies inactive in the nerve cells until something triggers it to become active again.
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Six Things Your Gym Must Have
It’s ironic that the place you go to in order to get in shape may be what’s holding back your progress more than anything else. Gyms have changed a lot since Arnold first broke a sweat in one in 1962. Most aren’t interested in whether you meet your goals or not. As long as they keep traffic moving, and prevent the members from inadvertently killing themselves, they really don’t care if you lose 10 pounds, fill out your shirt sleeves, or show up to bench press wearing a polo shirt and blue jeans.
But I do.
That’s why I’ve come up with some must-haves for choosing a gym that helps you build the body you want—not just one that pays its membership dues.
1) Quality trainers
Even if you’re not interested in personal training, it’s smart to work out in a place that employs people who know what the hell they’re doing. It makes for a better atmosphere, and gives you the opportunity to get sound advice if you ever do want or need it.
A trainer should be certified, preferably through an organization like the NSCA, ACSM, NASM, or ISSA. These are the leading fitness education groups in the industry, and while their philosophies all have their flaws, a cert from them proves at least two things—the trainer took the time to read books and pass a challenging exam, and he/she is serious and passionate about training, not just eager to make a quick buck handing a client his or her own workout.
More important than certification, however, is experience, track record, and mentorship. If a trainer has a long list of testimonials from successful clients, or (if the trainer is young) has interned with somebody who does, you’ve found your guy. Elite trainer and Schwarzenegger.com contributor Jason Ferruggia doesn’t advertise letters after his name, but he’ll train circles around most C.P.T.’s. A short conversation with him is all you need to know that he can help you achieve your goals.
If you’re in the market for a trainer and you want to test their knowledge, ask them how they would “periodize” your training. Periodization is the term for planning training over the long term to ensure continued progress, and the main benefit of paying someone to oversee your workouts. If the trainer gives you a funny look or says “we’ll just keep switching it up”, politely excuse yourself. The same goes if you get some pretentious, blind-them-with-science kind of answer. What you want to hear is that you’ll start with some kind of assessment, and then alternate periods of higher volume and higher intensity. There are all kinds of ways to do that, but that’s the basics of making progress. Not changing the exercises at random every workout and hoping for the best.
2) Good equipment
I won’t train at a gym that doesn’t have a squat rack. If you’re interested in building muscle and strength, I suggest you don’t either. Benches should have soft leather that allows your upper back to really sink in to them for traction. They should be about 12 inches wide if you expect them to support heavy bench pressing. The J-hooks in the racks (those J-shaped things that the bar rests on when not in use) shouldn’t be so deep that you need to roll your shoulders forward to get the bar out. Take note of what Jim Smith wrote about keeping tension in his recent article, “Bench Press 101”.
If you can, train in a place that has a glute-ham raise bench. Regardless of your goals, this apparatus has no equal. It trains the hamstrings two functions (bending your knees and extending your hips) simultaneously, and will increase your squat, your deadlift, and help relieve lower-back pain.
There’s one thing your gym shouldn’t have—dodecagonal plates (those 12-sided ones). I guess they’re only a problem if you’re deadlifting—and you ARE deadlifting, aren’t you?—because the corners bang into the floor between reps and can shake you out of position. Still, old-time round plates are just fine. If the bar rolls so badly that you feel you need angular plates to stop it, allow me to make a suggestion: stop kicking it across the room.
3) The intimidation factor
Going to the gym should never feel like you’re going home. You don’t want it to be that comfortable. It’s tempting to choose a gym because it’s quiet, never gets crowded, and most of the clientele looks like your grandmother. That way, you can coast through your workout, slip out undetected, and tell yourself you trained that day.
Believe me, this is the worst mistake you can make, and no training program, diet, or supplement can make up for it, no matter how effective.
When you enter a gym, you should feel a lot of positive energy and a little bit of anxiety—that’s the mindset you need for focused, intense workouts.
I would never want to be the strongest guy in my gym (and I’m usually in no danger of it). You can only go down from there. If you want to get big and strong, you need to train with people who are bigger and stronger to push you, inspire you, and make you feel that the results you want are both attainable and just a little out of reach. You need a place that makes you anxious for new challenges and afraid of falling behind. Because while I don’t want to be the strongest guy there, I won’t allow myself to be the weakest.
Look for a gym with intense music, a dry-erase board with people’s best lifts on it, a little dust, few mirrors, and camaraderie among the members. Even if your fitness goal is to lose an inch off your waist or just to touch your toes, you won’t get there training at a place that looks and feels like your living room.
4) Like-minded people
I just mentioned camaraderie. Without it, you can do everything right and get good results. With it, you can do everything wrong and get great results. Think of how many guys you see in the gym who don’t know what they’re doing. Their form is awful, they have no clear plan for their workouts, and they probably don’t even eat healthy when they get home. To add insult to injury, they’re in way better shape than you are.
The reason is usually because they bust their asses. And they have the drive to do that because they train with like-minded people who share the same goals, discipline, and ravenous appetite to make gains.
The camaraderie that Arnold had with fellow bodybuilders at Gold’s Gym is legendary, but he might not have made it even that far if he hadn’t found a similar brotherhood growing up in Austria. He makes note of these relationships in his book, The Education of a Bodybuilder.
“Every month, I had at least a week when I didn’t really want to train… These were the days [my friend] Karl pulled me out of it. He’d say, ‘Man, I feel great today! I want to do bench presses. Let’s do 25 instead of 20. How about a contest? Ten shillings to the one who does the most bench presses.’ It worked perfectly…
“It became extremely important to have somebody behind me saying, ‘Let’s do more, Arnold. Come on—another set, one more rep.’ And it was just as important for me to help somebody else… I discovered that the key to successful workouts had to do with competition.”
Even when you aren’t directly competing with other gym goers, just knowing that there is somebody else is in the room who cares about your training as well as his own is an incentive. I said above that a good gym shouldn’t make you feel at home, but it should be populated with your kind of people.
5) Traffic Control
Do your best to go to the gym at a time when you know there will be a handful of other serious people there—not so many that you won’t be able to get to the equipment you want, but not so few that it feels like you’re training alone. There should be enough space that you are aware of noise and activity behind you but it doesn’t interfere with your concentration or safety.
Your gym should always provide you options and a Plan B. If you intend to deadlift but the platform is taken, it should have an open area where you can lay some mats down so that when you drop the bar you won’t dent the floor or wake up the downstairs neighbors. If the cable station is occupied, there should be bands you can rig up as a substitution.
6) A lack of stupid rules
If there’s one place you should be able to go to flout society’s conventions, it’s the gym. Aside from rules that directly affect safety and traffic flow, there shouldn’t be any. These include wiping your sweat off machines after you’ve used them, replacing weights, no cellphones, and no standing in front of the dumbbell rack while lifting.
If your gym doesn’t let you deadlift, get out. If they frown on grunting or the occasional curse word, the hell with them. It’s not imperative that they let you train in socks or Vibrams (toe shoes), but it’s a bonus if they do. I mean, if they let people work out in collared shirts, they ought to allow a fashion statement that actually has an affect on fitness. Training barefoot (or in minimalist footwear, so the sole of your foot is very near the ground without any extraneous support) is highly advantageous for activating certain muscles and getting leverage on lifts. It can even help to reduce knee and lower back pain.
One piece of advice that’s commonly doled out in articles about how to choose a gym is to pick one that’s on your way home from work—the logic being that because you can’t avoid seeing it, you’ll be guilted into going more often.
By all means, disregard this advice. If you need to be shamed into training, you don’t want to be training in the first place. You need to find motivation before you try to find a gym.
I’ve trained at gyms that were terribly inconvenient to get to simply because they were great gyms. I’ve even crossed state lines to train at certain places while I had a gym that was open to me down the block. Apart from the benefits of training in a great place, this accomplished three other things. One, it made every workout something to anticipate—I was much more focused knowing I had to make extra time and plan a route to get to the place. Two, it made me work that much harder once I was there—I wasn’t going to travel a great distance and then half-ass my training. Three, it gave me tremendous satisfaction to know that I was going the extra mile for my training. Literally. I wasn’t using anything as an excuse to let it be less than it could.
At that point, you can’t help but make progress.
By Sean Hyson, C.S.C.S.
Source http://www.schwarzenegger.com/fitness/post/Six-Things-Your-Gym-Must-Have
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How to Remove tinea versicolor with Permanent
How to Remove tinea versicolor with Permanent actually many ways and drugs phlegm, but it also does not give satisfactory results. Skin disease caused by the fungus Pityrosporum ovale arise on the surface of the skin with white bercah characteristics, and usually occurs on the back, neck, chest, and arms. Panu will appear on the surface of the skin for people with a lack of attention to the cleanliness of the body was, for example disebakan by excessive sweating and rarely shower.
Felt very embarrassed if we loose clothes and turns filled with tinea versicolor, let alone seen by friends or relatives.
This disease, no pain or severe problems. But, it can only damage the appearance especially panunya spread to the face. Then the following can you try it means eliminating phlegm permanently using natural ingredients.
Besides enhancing food seasoning, ginger can also be used to eliminate phlegm. Way, take ginger and cut into several sections. Then rub the affected skin surface phlegm. To generate maximum then do it this way every after bathing.
Similarly as above, in addition to flavor food. Garlic can eliminate phlegm. First please you take garlic and discard the skin. Then cut with small parts and rub on the skin fungus. Do it in a way seruntin possible after bathing.
Mash and blend evenly. Then mix with lemon and oil head. Then apply on the skin that is problematic. Do this with seriously and regularly.
Do it from one of the above, and if you have tried everything to the fullest. So, will get a perfect result, namely, phlegm will disappear permanently. Good luck!
Felt very embarrassed if we loose clothes and turns filled with tinea versicolor, let alone seen by friends or relatives.
This disease, no pain or severe problems. But, it can only damage the appearance especially panunya spread to the face. Then the following can you try it means eliminating phlegm permanently using natural ingredients.
Besides enhancing food seasoning, ginger can also be used to eliminate phlegm. Way, take ginger and cut into several sections. Then rub the affected skin surface phlegm. To generate maximum then do it this way every after bathing.
Similarly as above, in addition to flavor food. Garlic can eliminate phlegm. First please you take garlic and discard the skin. Then cut with small parts and rub on the skin fungus. Do it in a way seruntin possible after bathing.
Mash and blend evenly. Then mix with lemon and oil head. Then apply on the skin that is problematic. Do this with seriously and regularly.
Do it from one of the above, and if you have tried everything to the fullest. So, will get a perfect result, namely, phlegm will disappear permanently. Good luck!
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how to get rid of bad breath
how to get rid of bad breath- Bad breath is very disturbing stinging our sense of smell as well as others. Usually the identical assess a person bad breath is caused by jengkol or banana, is the kind of food is the cause of bad breath is the most conspicuous than all other foods. However, if someone does choose jengkol or banana as his favorite food, what can we do?
Bad breath can be overcome with some natural ways eliminate bad breath and prevent the easy and effective. His method is to use some natural ingredients and a little medical care that you need to live if you want to be free from the problem of bad breath. Here are some natural ways eliminate and prevent bad breath sting that you can try.
Preventing Mouth Odor Eliminating Simultaneously, How Do I?
- To prevent bad breath routine main thing you do is by brushing your teeth at least four times that when I wake up, after eating, bathing in the afternoon, and before bed.
- Rubbing the top of the tongue with a toothbrush with a view to eliminating bacteria attached to the tongue papillae.
- Bad breath can also be prevented by means of gargling salt water or use water betel leaves on a regular basis, for example, 3 times a day is enough.
- Often consume fruits that contain a lot of water, such as citrus, tomatoes, and coconut.
- White water also can make you free from bad breath, so do not hesitate to drink mineral water.
- Clean tartar, because usually anaerobic bacteria lodged in the tartar.
- Patch cavities as soon as possible, because many people are diligent brushing teeth but her mouth still smell due to the presence of cavities.
Did Can Eliminate BREATH, If Yes How Do I?
1. Visiting the dentist
A number of bacteria usually form plaques. Therefore we need professionals who can solve this problem. Then who was it? Yes of course dentist specialist experts,
2. Stop Smoking
how to prevent bad breath to stop smoking
Smoking is 100% no health benefits, there are many germs on cigarettes and smoke. Good for suckers or inhaler smoke, so start now try to quit smoking because smoking can make your mouth saliva deficiency.
Thus some easy methods nan simple that you can do. May all natural way eliminate bad breath and prevent it can be useful to you, if deign please read no less interesting article below.
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How to Burn Five Calories
You need to fit in at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise or 75 minutes of vigorous activity each week, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. While burning five calories won't make much of a dent in these goals, burning five calories with short bursts of activity several times a day can help make a difference in how much exercise you're able to get each week. Of course, you should aim to squeeze in longer workouts whenever possible, but burning five calories here and there can add up to a big impact. Your weight determines how many calories you'll burn performing a specific activity; estimates are for a 150-pound person.
1 Go for a walk or a jog. You only have to walk briskly for one minute to burn five calories, according to the American Cancer Society. If you're looking for a more intense calorie burn, walk briskly for 30 minutes to burn about 150 calories. You'll double your calorie burn with a jog. You only have to jog for about 30 seconds to burn five calories, so jogging for about 30 minutes will help you burn a little more than 300 calories.
2 Clean your house. Yes, cleaning does count toward your weekly exercise requirement, provided you're vacuuming, scrubbing floors or doing an equally intense cleaning task. Vacuum or mop for two minutes to burn five calories or mow the lawn for about one minute to burn five calories. If it takes you half an hour to mow the lawn, you'll burn approximately 160 calories.
3 Pursue a hobby. Many active hobbies are good calorie-burning activities, and they also help you meet your weekly exercise requirement. Ride your bike or play half-court basketball for less than a minute to burn five calories. Dance, play racquetball, go swimming or do a little gardening, and you'll burn five calories before you've even reached the one-minute mark. Play with your kids for two minutes to burn five calories.
4 Throw yourself into your work. For every minute and a half or so of doing office work, you'll burn five calories.
5 Relax. Even doing something restful burns calories. Sit and read a book or watch a movie, and you'll burn five calories every five minutes. Sleep for approximately seven minutes, and you'll also burn five calories.
Read more : http://www.ehow.com/how_12322966_burn-five-calories.html
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How Does Nicotine Affect the Body?
An organic compound naturally found in the leaves of the tobacco plant, nicotine is readily absorbed by the human body--and highly addictive. Although nicotine can enter the body through the skin or mucous membranes in the nose or mouth, most people ingest nicotine by smoking cigarettes.
Smoking nicotine delvers it efficiently into the lungs, which are lined with tiny alveoli. These alveoli normally exchange oxygen with carbon dioxide and nitrogen in normal respiration. When cigarette smoke is inhaled into the lungs, nicotine travels through the alveoli into the bloodstream, and within 15 seconds, is transported through the body and into the brain.
Nicotine in the Brain
It's in the brain that nicotine does its most work and damage. There are millions of neurons, cells that transfer information throughout the nervous system. Between two neurons is the synapse, across which information is sent. One neuron releases a chemical called a neurotransmitter, which binds to the next neuron in the "chain." This chain sets in motion the body's response to new information.
Nicotine binds itself onto a subset of neurons that usually bind the neurotransmitter acetylcholine, blocking the acetylcholine from being able to broadcast its specific, usual messages that concern muscle movement and energy level. When nicotine blocks these receptors, it causes the body to release more acetylcholine in an attempt to find synapses to which it can attach. This extra acetylcholine then signals the brain to release another neurotransmitter, dopamine (which controls the pleasure center of the brain). As the increased levels of acetylcholine make the person feel more alert, the increased level of dopamine makes the person feel relaxed.
But these are not the only 2 ingredients in the nicotine-caused brain "cocktail." The high levels of acetylcholine and dopamine signal the release of endorphins and glutamate. Endorphins produce a feeling of happiness while glutamate, which is involved in creating memories, takes a snapshot of the process, associating it with pleasant feelings that encourage further use and, ultimately, addiction.
Nicotine in the Body
At first, nicotine causes the body to release adrenaline. Adrenaline causes heart rate and blood pressure to spike, and makes your body release insulin--which fools the body into thinking there is excess glucose in the bloodstream (because of this, smokers often report a decrease in their appetite).
Inhaled smoke has other effects on the body: Carbon monoxide damages the lungs and artery walls, weakening them and increasing the potential for heart attack, stroke and blood clots.
Read more : http://www.ehow.com/how-does_4695243_nicotine-affect-body.html
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How Much Nicotine Is in One Cigarette?
Although there are dozens of cigarette manufacturers, each one with multiple products, almost all cigarettes are produced in the same way. Since most cigarette companies use similar methods, cigarettes affect people in nearly identical ways regardless of the specific company that manufactured them. This is especially true with nicotine.
The Facts
The average cigarette in the United States contains about 9mg of nicotine. However, this is not the amount of nicotine that is ingested by the smoker. Cigarettes are burned and the smoke is inhaled by the person, so the nicotine is absorbed through the smoke. The amount of nicotine that actually enters the body in this manner is typically less than 1mg.
One milligram of nicotine is not significant enough to cause permanent damage to a human body. However, the nicotine is not the primary cause for concern in cigarettes. It is the method used to ingest the nicotine that presents a grave danger to smokers. Nicotine, along with hundreds of other chemicals, attaches itself to the tar inside the smoke and is absorbed by the lungs when the smoke contacts tissue cells. The nicotine is absorbed into the body quickly, but the tar used for transportation is not. This tar substances coat the lung tissue and over time, with repeated exposure, will create a thick buildup that kills the lung tissue.
Time Frame
Upon first inhaling smoke from a cigarette, the nicotine reaches the person’s brain in under 10 seconds, and it reaches the central nervous system in under five minutes. The initial influence on a person’s brain depends on a host of circumstances, but in most cases nicotine acts as a mild depressant. Nicotine is a fast-acting chemical, and is quickly used by the human body. All traces of nicotine are usually undetectable in a person within a few days after a final cigarette. The total length of time a person has been a smoker, combined with their metabolism and other physical characteristics, will determine how long it will take for the last traces of nicotine to leave the body
Nicotine’s effect on a person is mental and physical. When the nicotine first reaches the brain upon the inhalation of smoke, the effect is typically a relaxed and slightly euphoric feeling. After the nicotine reaches the central nervous system a few minutes later, this calm feeling is often enhanced in a more powerful physical sense. These effects last for several more minutes, but because their decline is slow and steady it is often not realized by the smoker until much more time has elapsed. People who smoke more cigarettes in an average day typically do so because their bodies have become used to the physical effects of the nicotine on their nervous systems.
The harm done by cigarettes is widely documented and easily verifiable by countless medical organizations and industry publications. Despite monumental efforts by public school districts, the U.S. surgeon general and other groups, many new smokers are grossly unaware of exactly how dangerous the long-term effects of cigarettes are.
Aside from the widely publicized dangers caused by smoking cigarettes, there are additional, often unrealized, health risks directly connected to nicotine. Regardless of the manner in which this drug is ingested, it significantly increases a person’s chances of developing cancer. Unlike cigarettes, where the main focus of cancer development is usually in the mouth, lips, throat, and lungs, nicotine ingested in other ways increases the possibility of cancer in a more general sense. People should be aware of this fact and consider the additional dangers associated with smoking cessation products such as patches and gum.
Read more : http://www.ehow.com/about_5370963_much-nicotine-one-cigarette.html
The Facts
The average cigarette in the United States contains about 9mg of nicotine. However, this is not the amount of nicotine that is ingested by the smoker. Cigarettes are burned and the smoke is inhaled by the person, so the nicotine is absorbed through the smoke. The amount of nicotine that actually enters the body in this manner is typically less than 1mg.
One milligram of nicotine is not significant enough to cause permanent damage to a human body. However, the nicotine is not the primary cause for concern in cigarettes. It is the method used to ingest the nicotine that presents a grave danger to smokers. Nicotine, along with hundreds of other chemicals, attaches itself to the tar inside the smoke and is absorbed by the lungs when the smoke contacts tissue cells. The nicotine is absorbed into the body quickly, but the tar used for transportation is not. This tar substances coat the lung tissue and over time, with repeated exposure, will create a thick buildup that kills the lung tissue.
Time Frame
Upon first inhaling smoke from a cigarette, the nicotine reaches the person’s brain in under 10 seconds, and it reaches the central nervous system in under five minutes. The initial influence on a person’s brain depends on a host of circumstances, but in most cases nicotine acts as a mild depressant. Nicotine is a fast-acting chemical, and is quickly used by the human body. All traces of nicotine are usually undetectable in a person within a few days after a final cigarette. The total length of time a person has been a smoker, combined with their metabolism and other physical characteristics, will determine how long it will take for the last traces of nicotine to leave the body
Nicotine’s effect on a person is mental and physical. When the nicotine first reaches the brain upon the inhalation of smoke, the effect is typically a relaxed and slightly euphoric feeling. After the nicotine reaches the central nervous system a few minutes later, this calm feeling is often enhanced in a more powerful physical sense. These effects last for several more minutes, but because their decline is slow and steady it is often not realized by the smoker until much more time has elapsed. People who smoke more cigarettes in an average day typically do so because their bodies have become used to the physical effects of the nicotine on their nervous systems.
The harm done by cigarettes is widely documented and easily verifiable by countless medical organizations and industry publications. Despite monumental efforts by public school districts, the U.S. surgeon general and other groups, many new smokers are grossly unaware of exactly how dangerous the long-term effects of cigarettes are.
Aside from the widely publicized dangers caused by smoking cigarettes, there are additional, often unrealized, health risks directly connected to nicotine. Regardless of the manner in which this drug is ingested, it significantly increases a person’s chances of developing cancer. Unlike cigarettes, where the main focus of cancer development is usually in the mouth, lips, throat, and lungs, nicotine ingested in other ways increases the possibility of cancer in a more general sense. People should be aware of this fact and consider the additional dangers associated with smoking cessation products such as patches and gum.
Read more : http://www.ehow.com/about_5370963_much-nicotine-one-cigarette.html
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8 Super Foods That Boost Immunity
A super food contains a variety of disease-fighting nutrients, is readily available, economical and delicious without the need for salty seasoning or added fat, says Pittsburgh sports dietitian and Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics spokesperson Heather Mangieri. Immunity-boosting super foods provide the nutrients your body needs to not only fend off viruses and infection, but also help your body fight against immune-related illnesses such as arthritis. They can even help prevent certain types of cancer, according to the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. We all want to do everything we can to protect ourselves from getting sick, especially when cold and flu season rolls around. Here are eight super foods you can incorporate into your diet that will give your immune system a boost.
Sweet Potato
Sweet potatoes make the perfect super food. As one of the best food sources of vitamin A – meeting 561 percent of the daily value in one potato – the sweet potato has some serious immune-boosting powers. Vitamin A supports immune health by keeping your natural barrier to germs healthy and strong – your skin and mucous membranes in your digestive tract and lungs. Get the nutritional benefits for good health in one whole sweet potato and enjoy it baked, mashed or cubed and sautéed with onions for a tasty hash.
Sweet potatoes can be enjoyed in both sweet and savory dishes.
Sweet potatoes can be enjoyed in both sweet and savory dishes. (Peter Zijlstra/iStock/Getty Images)
Greek Yogurt
Greek yogurt is a thick and creamy fermented snack food loaded with friendly bacteria known as probiotics. These microorganisms improve your body's ability to fight off infection, reduce inflammation and decrease the growth of harmful bacteria in your gut. The benefits aren't limited to just Greek yogurt, but are found in any yogurt with "live and active cultures" written on the label. Including one 4-ounce to 6-ounce serving of Greek yogurt a day not only fills your gut with bacteria that enhances immunity, but also helps you meet your daily calcium, vitamin D, potassium and protein needs.
Greek yogurt makes a filling and healthy breakfast.
Greek yogurt makes a filling and healthy breakfast. (Stephanie Fray/iStock/Getty Images)
Green Tea
Rich in the potent antioxidants polyphenols, green tea may lower your risk for a number of different types of cancer, including lung, colon, stomach and pancreatic. According to a review article published in "Chinese Medicine," the polyphenols in green tea may also help fight off Helicobacter pylori – the bacteria that causes stomach ulcers. While green tea offers a number of immune-promoting benefits, it is a source of caffeine and drinking too much may affect iron bioavailability. One to two cups of green tea a day gets you the benefits without the ill effects.
Green tea is loaded with antioxidants.
Green tea is loaded with antioxidants. (DENIO RIGACCI/iStock/Getty Images)
As a super food, garlic not only adds flavor to your favorite dishes without the need for fat or salt, but also the bioactive chemical called allicin. This chemical is believed to have antibacterial activity that may help you fight off infections caused by Salmonella, Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus. Getting more garlic in your diet may also help you fight off the common cold, although the National Institute of Health says more research is necessary before recommendations can be made. For immune health, one clove of raw, crushed garlic a day should do it.
Enjoy raw garlic in sauces like pesto or chimichurri.
Enjoy raw garlic in sauces like pesto or chimichurri. (Oliver Hoffmann/iStock/Getty Images)
Mushrooms are low in calories and rich in a number of health-promoting nutrients including B vitamins, selenium, potassium and vitamin D. But it's a component called beta-glucan in mushrooms that helps bolster your immune system and may also protect against cancer, as well as slow tumor growth. Shiitake, oyster and split gill mushrooms are the best sources of beta-glucan. Consume 1 ounce, cooked or raw, a day to improve your nutrient intake.
Mushrooms are a flavorful addition to sauces, stir-frys and stews.
Mushrooms are a flavorful addition to sauces, stir-frys and stews. (Will Heap/Dorling Kindersley RF/Getty Images)
Your body needs zinc to make infection-fighting blood cells called T-lymphocytes. Not getting enough zinc in your diet may impact your body's ability to fight off infection, including respiratory illnesses such as pneumonia. Three ounces of cooked oysters contains 74 milligrams of zinc, meeting 493 percent of the daily value. If you're not a fan of oysters, Alaskan king crab, lean hamburger or fortified whole-grain breakfast cereal may also help you get more zinc.
Oysters can be eaten raw or cooked to increase zinc levels.
Oysters can be eaten raw or cooked to increase zinc levels. (popovaphoto/iStock/Getty Images)
Honey has been used for medicinal purposes since ancient times. Honey's high sugar content, acidity and array of phytochemicals are believed to be the components that help fight off bacteria such as E. coli and Staph aureus. It is also used topically to repair wounds, and when ingested, may help repair gastric ulcers and reduce inflammation. You need 1 to 5 tablespoons of raw (unpasteurized) honey a day to get the medicinal benefits. Use it in place of other sweeteners in baked goods, hot cereal and tea to get your daily fix for health. (Children under one year old and those with weak immune systems should not consume raw honey.)
Honey is a natural sweetener and an easy substitute for processed sugar.
Honey is a natural sweetener and an easy substitute for processed sugar. (Wavebreakmedia
Ltd/Wavebreak Media/Getty Images)
Blueberries pack powerful immune-boosting punch. Blueberries are low in calories, high in fiber and a good source of vitamin C and manganese. They are also rich in polyphenols, which in addition to being powerful antioxidants, also have anti-inflammatory properties. Additionally, researchers have isolated a compound in blueberries called pterostilbene, which in combination with vitamin D increases the expression of the cathelicidin antimicrobial peptide, or CAMP gene, that is involved in immune function. One cup of blueberries can help up your nutrient intake for immune health.
Sprinkle blueberries over Greek yogurt or blend in a smoothie.
Sprinkle blueberries over Greek yogurt or blend in a smoothie. (graletta/iStock/Getty Images)
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Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics: Protect Your Health with Immune-Boosting Nutrition
Frontiers in Immunology: The Role of Probiotics and Prebiotics in Inducing Gut Immunity
National Yogurt Association: Live and Active Cultures
Office of Dietary Supplements: Vitamin A
Chinese Medicine: Beneficial Effects of Green Tea: A Literature Review
Avicenna Journal of Phytomedicine: Garlic: A Review of Potential Therapeutic Affects
Mushroom Council: Benefits
Medicina: Effects of B-glucans on the Immune System
The Journal of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology: Mushroom Consumption is Associated with Increased Nutrient Intakes and Better Diet Quality in Adult Participants in the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (2001-2010)
Office of Dietary Supplements: Zinc
Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine: Honey: Its Medicinal Property and Antibacterial Activity
Oregon State University: Red Grapes, Blueberries May Enhance Immune Function
Heather Mangieri, MS, RD, CSSD, Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Spokesperson, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics: Yogurt Mania
MedlinePlus: Garlic
NYU Langone Medical Center: Honey
Read more : http://www.ehow.com/
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5 Ways to Gain Weight in a Healthy Way
Most of the people I meet ask for my advice about how to lose weight, but some of my clients are actually trying to pack on pounds, and it’s not as simple as it may seem. Every once in a while I'll read about an actor who had to gain weight for a role, and they talk about how awesome it was to down pints of ice cream, pasta, bread, cheeseburgers and donuts. That is one way to gain weight, but it’s not the best way.
I sometimes work with clients who’ve lost weight due to dental surgery, a digestive problem, stress, or an illness, and are trying to get back to a healthy weight. And as a sports nutritionist, I also work with pro athletes who tend to lose weight over the course of a grueling season. In all of these cases, the goal is to gain weight while optimizing health, and there’s a science to it. After all, the old phrase, “You are what you eat” is absolutely true – nutrients from food are literally the raw materials your body uses to construct new cells. A junk food-filled diet devoid of nutrients doesn’t give your body much to work with - I always say it’s like constructing a house with cardboard and tape instead of bricks and mortar. In other words, it’s not just about calories.
Here are five “good gain” rules I share with my clients:
1. Don’t let more than four hours go by without eating. Your body needs a continuous supply of energy since it’s like an engine that’s always turned on (your heart is always beating, blood is circulating, your brain and muscles are working). When you skip meals, you deprive your body of the fuel it needs to keep going. The result is a dip into your energy piggy bank, which unfortunately includes muscle mass. The best way to prevent your body from losing any important tissue is to eat regular meals, spaced about three to five hours apart. If you’re trying to gain new muscle tissue, meal timing is especially critical. Sometimes my clients tell me they “eat all the time” but when they actually start keeping a food journal they realize just how erratic their patterns are. Consistency is key.
2. Eat several foods at once. Always aim for at least three food groups. Instead of just a banana or handful of nuts, top a few slices of whole grain toast with almond butter and banana slices, along with a glass of organic skim milk or a milk substitute (soy, hemp, etc.). A wider varied provides your body with a broader spectrum of nutrients to work with throughout the day.
3. Eat healthy, but dense foods. The best way to rack up extra nutrition without having to eat huge quantities of food or resort to junk is to choose nutrient-rich foods that pack a lot of carbohydrates, protein or fat into a small serving. Dried fruit is a great example. With the water removed, the portion shrinks by about 75 percent, so a cup of grapes turns into a quarter cup of raisins. Just be sure to look for dried fruits with no added sugar or preservatives. For another nourishing, power-packed snack, fold rolled oats, dark chocolate chips and minced dried fruit into almond butter – spoon out portions about the diameter of a quarter, roll them into little balls, wrap in wax and paper, and snack on them throughout the day.
4. Drink your food. Liquids aren't as filling as solid food, so when you’re trying to gain weight, they can add nutrition without making you feel stuffed or bloated. Good choices include 100 percent fruit juice, organic skim milk or milk alternatives (such as organic soy, or hemp), and smoothies. Smoothies are ideal (over milkshakes) because you can bolster them with all kinds of good stuff, like wheat germ, nut butter, carrot juice, and protein powder.
5. Eat right before bed. A lot of our healing, repair and regeneration takes place while we sleep. It’s like rush hour for building muscle and lean tissue, so eating a healthy snack right before bed ensures a fresh supply of nutrients that are available to “go to work” inside the body. A great option that won't leave you feeling stuffed might be a small bowl of pasta salad made with 100 percent whole-grain pasta (wheat or a gluten-free alternative), vinaigrette made with extra-virgin olive oil, chopped or shredded veggies, and a lean protein such as beans, chopped chicken breast or an organic crumbled cheese.
source http://www.shape.com/
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Benefit Of Olive Oil
Benefits of Olive Oil. (NaturalNews) If you are an avid viewer of cooking shows, you know that olive oil is a staple in most top chefs' creations. Cooking connoisseurs enjoy using this oil because of the unique flavor it brings to food. Olive oil is made from olives, most of which originate from the Mediterranean region. People in this region are revered for their longevity and their luscious hair and skin. This may be because olive oil is a staple in their diets. As more people are starting to realize the overall health benefits of olive oil, its use is growing in popularity.
One woman who is very famous for a beautiful face and skin is so smooth is Queen Cleopatra. As the Queen of Egypt in ancient times it is definitely important for health and beauty care for himself. Not only him, many artists in Indonesia, which recognizes that the beauty of self-help is the result obtained from olive oil.
Benefit Of Olive Oil:
Cholesterol and Heart Health
Despite the drama surrounding the use of fats and oils, these things are an essential part of a balanced eating plan. The key is to choose your fats wisely. Olive oil is one of the healthiest types of fat around. The monounsaturated fat in olive oil has been shown to control LDL (bad) cholesterol and raise HDL (good) cholesterol. This can potentially lower your risk of heart disease.
When you digest your food, free radicals that are naturally produced by the body can damage the cells. Free radicals from environmental factors such as dust, smog, cigarette smoke and pesticides don't help the situation. The antioxidants contained in olive oil can help fight off and repair some of the damage that free radicals can cause.
To get the best heart-healthy results from olive oil, the U.S Food and Drug Administration recommends eating two tablespoons daily. You can easily get this amount in your diet by following the examples of top chefs and using it in your favorite foods.
Caring for the skin
The skin is the outer part of the body that has the highest risk of damage due to exposure to many bacteria as well as other elements such as dry skin, dull and wrinkles faster.
To prevent these problems you have to do a skin care routine that diverse issues affecting the skin be minimized risks. The easiest way is applying olive oil before the move and at bedtime.
One purpose of wearing olive oil before the move is to reduce the adverse effects on the skin due to exposure to sunlight. In addition, the skin will be fresh terrace, toned, smooth and soft.
Skin and Hair
The antioxidants contained in olive oil can benefit more than your heart. Because this substance prevents cell destruction, it fights the signs of aging and gives you a more youthful appearance. When applied topically, olive oil moisturizes and softens dry skin. Since the product is natural, adverse reactions are not common.
The problem with a lot of commercial skincare products is that the moisturizing ingredients don't penetrate the skin. Extra virgin olive oil is composed of more than 80 percent oleic acid. This substance easily penetrates the skin, and allows the oil to heal damage, reduce wrinkles and improve texture.
If you struggle with dry, brittle hair, keeping a bottle of olive oil handy can help. A weekly deep conditioner of olive oil can be used in the place of products that contain silicone ingredients to make the hair more manageable. Shampoos that contain sulfates will strip the moisture out of your hair and make it look drab and lifeless. Using olive oil in the place of your regular commercial conditioners can moisturize the hair and give it a healthy sheen.
Olive does more than make scrumptious dishes. It is well documented that, when combined with a nutritious diet, this oil's antioxidant properties can have a positive impact on cholesterol levels and heart health. In addition, when added as part of a regular beauty regimen, it can improve the health of your skin and hair.
Sources for this article include:
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The Danger of Fake Alcohol
The dangers of fake alcoholThe dangers of drinking fake alcohol, how to recognise it, and what to do if you see fake alcohol being sold.
What is fake alcohol?
Health risks from fake alcohol
How to recognise fake alcohol
What to do if you spot fake alcohol
Producing fake alcohol is being seen as a way of making money, and it’s sold cheaply. But it’s a problem because of the risks it poses to people’s health, causing anything from nausea to blindness and even death. What is fake alcohol? Fake or illegally produced alcohol is alcohol that is produced in unlicensed distilleries or people's homes and intended for sale. It is illegal (1) to distill and sell alcohol to the public in the UK without a licence from HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC). From 2005 to July 2011, HMRC seized nearly 15 million litres of illegally produced alcohol.
Meanwhile, Trading Standards Institute officers have reported an increase in fake or illegally produced alcohol being sold in the UK, much of which contained potentially dangerous chemicals (3).
“We’re very concerned about this trend in the availability of fake alcohol,” says Ron Gainsford, Chief Executive of the Trading Standards Institute. “It’s not just about false bargains, counterfeit spirits and wine could be lethal.”Health risks from fake alcohol Properly produced and certified alcoholic drinks are made with ethanol – alcohol that’s safe to drink in moderation. But fake alcoholic drinks can be produced using other cheaper types of alcohol which can have serious adverse effects on your health. Drinkaware’s Chief Medical Advisor Professor Paul Wallace explains: “Commonly used substitutes for ethanol include chemicals used in cleaning fluids, nail polish remover and automobile screen wash, as well as methanol and isopropanol which are used in antifreeze and some fuels. These other types of alcohol can produce similar effects to ethanol in terms of making you feel tipsy. But they are also potentially very dangerous.”
Drinking alcohol containing these chemicals can cause nausea and vomiting, abdominal pain, drowsiness and dizziness. Drinking it can lead to kidney or liver problems and even coma. Methanol, the substance which has been found in fake vodka (4) can cause permanent blindness.Find out how alcohol can affect your body here...
“Drinking illegally produced alcohol should be avoided at all costs,” says Dr Wallace. “You don’t know what’s in it in terms of the actual chemicals – and you don’t know the strength of what you're drinking because it’s not been produced to the standards of commercial alcohol.”How to recognise fake alcoholJeremy Beadles, former Chief Executive of the Wine and Spirits Trade Association, believes most consumers won’t come across fake alcohol and says that it’s important to keep the problem in perspective. “The vast majority of alcohol in the UK is produced and sold legitimately,” he says. “Most pubs, corner shops, off licenses and other retailers are completely legitimate businesses and wouldn’t get involved with it.”
However, it’s important to know how to spot—and avoid—fake alcohol if you do come across it. According to the Trading Standards Institute, people need to remember ‘the 4 Ps’: Place, Price, Packaging and Product.
1. Place: Make sure you buy from a reputable supermarket, off licence or shop.
2. Price: If a deal looks too good to be true, it most probably is.
3. Packaging: Look out for:
Poor quality labelling, including things like spelling mistakes.
UK duty stamp—spirits in bottles 35cl or larger and 30% ABV or higher have to have a duty stamp, which indicates that tax has either been paid or is due to be paid on the contents of the bottle. They’re usually incorporated into the label or stuck on the glass. If it’s not there, it’s illegal
Properly sealed caps. If the seal is broken, don’t drink it. Even if it’s not illegal, it could have been tampered with.
Fake bar codes. If you have an app on your mobile that scans bar codes, scan it and see if it’s listed as the correct product.
4. Product: Look out for fake versions of well-known brands and be wary of unusual brand names you haven’t seen before. Vodka, the most commonly counterfeited spirit, shouldn’t have any white particles or sediment in the bottle. If you see this, the vodka could have been diluted with tap water. If any alcohol tastes or smells bad, don't drink it. Particularly look out for the smell of nail varnish.What to do if you spot fake alcoholIf you think you’ve drunk fake alcohol, the best thing to do is to seek medical advice. You can also report it to your local environmental health officer, call Citizens Advice Consumer Helpline on 08454 04 05 06 or the Customs Hotline on 0800 59 5000.
Source https://www.drinkaware.co.uk/
What is fake alcohol?
Health risks from fake alcohol
How to recognise fake alcohol
What to do if you spot fake alcohol
Producing fake alcohol is being seen as a way of making money, and it’s sold cheaply. But it’s a problem because of the risks it poses to people’s health, causing anything from nausea to blindness and even death. What is fake alcohol? Fake or illegally produced alcohol is alcohol that is produced in unlicensed distilleries or people's homes and intended for sale. It is illegal (1) to distill and sell alcohol to the public in the UK without a licence from HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC). From 2005 to July 2011, HMRC seized nearly 15 million litres of illegally produced alcohol.
Meanwhile, Trading Standards Institute officers have reported an increase in fake or illegally produced alcohol being sold in the UK, much of which contained potentially dangerous chemicals (3).
“We’re very concerned about this trend in the availability of fake alcohol,” says Ron Gainsford, Chief Executive of the Trading Standards Institute. “It’s not just about false bargains, counterfeit spirits and wine could be lethal.”Health risks from fake alcohol Properly produced and certified alcoholic drinks are made with ethanol – alcohol that’s safe to drink in moderation. But fake alcoholic drinks can be produced using other cheaper types of alcohol which can have serious adverse effects on your health. Drinkaware’s Chief Medical Advisor Professor Paul Wallace explains: “Commonly used substitutes for ethanol include chemicals used in cleaning fluids, nail polish remover and automobile screen wash, as well as methanol and isopropanol which are used in antifreeze and some fuels. These other types of alcohol can produce similar effects to ethanol in terms of making you feel tipsy. But they are also potentially very dangerous.”
Drinking alcohol containing these chemicals can cause nausea and vomiting, abdominal pain, drowsiness and dizziness. Drinking it can lead to kidney or liver problems and even coma. Methanol, the substance which has been found in fake vodka (4) can cause permanent blindness.Find out how alcohol can affect your body here...
“Drinking illegally produced alcohol should be avoided at all costs,” says Dr Wallace. “You don’t know what’s in it in terms of the actual chemicals – and you don’t know the strength of what you're drinking because it’s not been produced to the standards of commercial alcohol.”How to recognise fake alcoholJeremy Beadles, former Chief Executive of the Wine and Spirits Trade Association, believes most consumers won’t come across fake alcohol and says that it’s important to keep the problem in perspective. “The vast majority of alcohol in the UK is produced and sold legitimately,” he says. “Most pubs, corner shops, off licenses and other retailers are completely legitimate businesses and wouldn’t get involved with it.”
However, it’s important to know how to spot—and avoid—fake alcohol if you do come across it. According to the Trading Standards Institute, people need to remember ‘the 4 Ps’: Place, Price, Packaging and Product.
1. Place: Make sure you buy from a reputable supermarket, off licence or shop.
2. Price: If a deal looks too good to be true, it most probably is.
3. Packaging: Look out for:
Poor quality labelling, including things like spelling mistakes.
UK duty stamp—spirits in bottles 35cl or larger and 30% ABV or higher have to have a duty stamp, which indicates that tax has either been paid or is due to be paid on the contents of the bottle. They’re usually incorporated into the label or stuck on the glass. If it’s not there, it’s illegal
Properly sealed caps. If the seal is broken, don’t drink it. Even if it’s not illegal, it could have been tampered with.
Fake bar codes. If you have an app on your mobile that scans bar codes, scan it and see if it’s listed as the correct product.
4. Product: Look out for fake versions of well-known brands and be wary of unusual brand names you haven’t seen before. Vodka, the most commonly counterfeited spirit, shouldn’t have any white particles or sediment in the bottle. If you see this, the vodka could have been diluted with tap water. If any alcohol tastes or smells bad, don't drink it. Particularly look out for the smell of nail varnish.What to do if you spot fake alcoholIf you think you’ve drunk fake alcohol, the best thing to do is to seek medical advice. You can also report it to your local environmental health officer, call Citizens Advice Consumer Helpline on 08454 04 05 06 or the Customs Hotline on 0800 59 5000.
Source https://www.drinkaware.co.uk/
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10 Benefit Of Carrots
Forget about vitamin A pills. With this orange crunchy powerfood, you get vitamin A and a host of other powerful health benefits including beautiful skin, cancer prevention, and anti-aging. Read how to get maximum benefits from this amazing vegetable.
Benefits of Carrots
1. Helps prevent cancer
Studies have shown carrots reduce the risk of lung cancer, breast cancer and colon cancer. Researchers have just discovered falcarinol and falcarindiol which they feel cause the anticancer properties.
Falcarinol is a natural pesticide produced by the carrot that protects its roots from fungal diseases. Carrots are one of the only common sources of this compound. A study showed 1/3 lower cancer risk by carrot-eating mice.
Beta-carotene has also been shown to protect against macular degeneration and senile cataracts. A study found that people who eat the most beta-carotene had 40 percent lower risk of macular degeneration than those who consumed little.
2. Improves vision
Western culture’s understanding of carrots being “good for the eyes” is one of the few we got right. Carrots are rich in beta-carotene, which is converted into vitamin A in the liver. Vitamin A is transformed in the retina, to rhodopsin, a purple pigment necessary for night vision.
3. Slows down aging
The high level of beta-carotene acts as an antioxidant to cell damage done to the body through regular metabolism. It help slows down the aging of cells.
4. Helps prevent infection
Carrots are known by herbalists to prevent infection. They can be used on cuts – shredded raw or boiled and mashed.
5. Promotes healthier skin
Vitamin A and antioxidants protects the skin from sun damage. Deficiencies of vitamin A cause dryness to the skin, hair and nails. Vitamin A prevents premature wrinkling, acne, dry skin, pigmentation, blemishes, and uneven skin tone.
6. Promotes healthier skin (from the outside)
Carrots are used as an inexpensive and very convenient facial mask. Just mix grated carrot with a bit of honey. See the full recipe here: carrot face mask.
7. Prevents heart disease
Studies show that diets high in carotenoids are associated with a lower risk of heart disease. Carrots have not only beta-carotene but also alpha-carotene and lutein.
The regular consumption of carrots also reduces cholesterol levels because the soluble fibers in carrots bind with bile acids.
8. Cleanses the body
Vitamin A assists the liver in flushing out the toxins from the body. It reduces the bile and fat in the liver. The fibers present in carrots help clean out the colon and hasten waste movement.
9. Protects teeth and gums
It’s all in the crunch! Carrots clean your teeth and mouth. They scrape off plaque and food particles just like toothbrushes or toothpaste. Carrots stimulate gums and trigger a lot of saliva, which being alkaline, balances out the acid-forming, cavity-forming bacteria. The minerals in carrots prevent tooth damage.
10. Prevents stroke
From all the above benefits it is no surprise that in a Harvard University study, people who ate more than six carrots a week are less likely to suffer a stroke than those who ate only one carrot a month or less.
Read more: http://www.care2.com/greenliving/10-benefits-of-carrots.html#ixzz3PNqhgOCj
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how to get rid of scars
how to get rid of scars - long scar on the skin and face may be caused due to various factors, because the exhaust burns, acne, scars and other operations. Now to remove these scars you can use a natural way.
The way it utilizes a variety of herbal ingredients, including the cucumber, olive oil, aloe vera, and many more. Some natural ingredients has been proven to eliminate old scars, although the results are not instant because it requires a process and time.
In general, black skin scars we can not fade in a short time if left unchecked, may be months or even years, but depends also on the severity of the injury. Well that is the problems everyone. Of course there are scars on the face or skin that is not covered by clothing can reduce our confidence.
We have had many pharmaceutical products that claimed to eliminate old scars on our skin. But of course the product contains chemicals, so it is not friendly to our skin. It also removes the scar in any way no one instant, even plastic surgery and laser also requires time. For it would not hurt if you try first few ways get rid of scars naturally that I give below.
1. Using aloe vera
The first way that you can try is by using aloe vera. Namely how to apply aloe vera gel on the scar. Try to apply this way 2-3 times a day. This natural ingredient can stimulate the growth of new skin cells as it contains amino acids and ligmin pretty much.
2. Honey
Honey is also able to regenerate our skin, so as to accelerate the process of fading scars. How to use it that simply by applying honey and let stand for 15-20 minutes. This way you can apply at any time, even at night when going to sleep can.
3. Olive oil
You do this simply by applying olive oil on your skin scar. If you want to more effectively do that massage also contains olive oil can seep.
4. Fruit cucumber
The first way is the first piece of cucumber puree and then apply on the scars on the skin. Apply this way at night when going to bed and leave it until morning. In order cucumber splattered not you can use a bandage.
5. Noni
How to use the smeared noni has been in the blender. After that, let stand for 15-20 minutes your skin, wash the last step using water.
6. mint leaves
The first step in growing first 5-6 mint leaves and then apply on the scars on the skin. Set aside some time to dry and then wash with water. Rest of the ingredients can be store in the refrigerator for later use.
7. Lime
You can rub a lime wedge on the scar and then rinse with warm water. Sometimes it gives a sense of poignant, however, if done regularly, it can remove the scar.
8. Lavender oil, flax seed oil, grape seed extract, and vitamin E.
Some of these materials can fade old scars on the skin although it requires quite a long time. You can use scar removal products are now widely sold as products usually contain some natural ingredients.
Now that's some way of removing scars naturally that I can give this time. Remember, there is no instant in the process of eliminating or fade scars. Even modern methods such as surgery and the use of lasers also require quite a long time. My advice try to apply the above manner on a regular basis. A few health tips this time, may be able to help you.
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danger of electric cigarette
The electronic cigarette is a device that emit vapor containing nicotine. The electronic cigarette does not produce smoke which contains many toxic substances. As we know cigarette smoke contains many substances that are not only harmful to the smoker, but also harmful to others around smokers who inhale (passive smoking). The electronic cigarette uses a liquid containing nicotine at a certain concentration.
Electric cigarette is an alternative cigarette today began circulating in the market. A new discovery would not be separated from the pros and cons. Until now there has been no large-scale studies that concluded the security and describes the long-term side effects of this electronic cigarette. Electronic cigarettes are believed to help smokers nicotine dependence without poisoning the body with cigarette smoke.
But if the problem is as simple as that? Does not seem. Although no large-scale studies that explain the dangers of electronic cigarettes, some people feel that the answer of cigarette addiction is to quit smoking, not even switch to other types of nicotine administration. Logically, the nicotine contained in it still has the effect of opium or dependence. If the stop consuming electric cigarette, users will still breaking consumption syndrome, such as irritability, depression, anxiety and worry. Just like a regular cigarette, electric cigarette remains dangerous for heart patients and proven damage the lining of blood vessels.
Smokers are advised to quit smoking gradually while using tools such as nicotine patches, is not recommended to switch to electronic cigarettes. Moreover, according to the report of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), some compositions of the vapor electronic cigarettes may be hazardous, although not clearly described the type of composition.
Constantly evolving science. It looks like a definite recommendation on electronic cigarettes still require further research. However, one thing is certain, that smoking tobacco rod harmful to your health! Try to quit smoking gradually or seek help to stop smoking center around you.
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Risk Of Breast Implan
Like any type of operation, surgery to fit breast implants is associated with a number of complications.
These may be related to the operation itself, or they may occur later as a result of a problem with the implants.
In some cases, additional surgery may be needed to treat problems that develop.
General risks of surgery
All forms of surgery carry some degree of risk. Complications that can affect anyone who has surgery include:
- an adverse reaction to the anaesthetic
- excessive bleeding
- infection
- blood clots
There are also complications specifically associated with breast implant surgery. Some of these are discussed below.
Capsular contracture
After having a breast implant, your body will create a capsule of fibrous scar tissue around the implant as part of the healing process. This is a natural reaction that occurs when any foreign object is surgically implanted into the body.
Over time, the scar tissue will begin to shrink. This shrinkage is known as capsular contraction. The rate and extent at which the shrinkage occurs varies from person to person. In some people, the capsule can tighten and squeeze the implant, making the breast feel hard. You may also experience pain and discomfort.
Capsular contracture is an unavoidable complication of breast implant surgery. Everyone who has breast implants will experience capsular contracture to some degree and it is likely further surgery to resolve the problem will be needed in the future.
A rupture is a split that occurs in the implant's casing. It can be caused if the implant's outer shell gets weaker over time, the implant is damaged during the operation, there is a flaw in the implant, or the breast is injured.
When implants were first developed, they had very thin walls and rupturing was a common problem. However, modern implants used in the UK since the 1990s rupture much less frequently.
If your implant ruptures, it is recommended you have it removed and replaced with a new one.
It is not always possible to tell if a breast implant has ruptured, but signs can include lumpiness, swelling, redness and tenderness in the breast.
If you have a saline (salt water) implant, any leakage from the implant should not cause you problems. As saline is a sterile salt-water solution, your body is able to safely absorb it.
If you have silicone implants, the silicone that leaks out of a ruptured implant may cause problems, such as siliconomas or a gel bleed.
If your implant was fitted privately, you may need to pay for any special investigations needed to confirm a suspected implant rupture.
If you have a silicone breast implant that ruptures, the silicone may spread outside of the scar capsule and into your breast. This can lead to small lumps known as siliconomas developing.
Siliconomas can be tender to touch and they may need to be removed if they are causing significant pain. In rare cases, the silicone can spread to the muscles under your breast, your lymph nodes (glands) under your armpit, or around the nerves to your arm.
Gel bleed
Gel bleed occurs to some degree in all breast implants. It is where small molecules of silicone polymer separate from the surface of the implant and are taken up into the surrounding tissues or lymphatic system (the network of vessels that help the body fight infection found in several places around the body, including in the armpit).
If the silicone molecules get into the lymphatic system, they may cause your lymph nodes (glands) to become slightly swollen. This is usually a minor problem, although in some cases the enlarged lymph nodes can become uncomfortable.
After having breast implant surgery, fluid can build up around your implant. This is known as a seroma and is fairly common. Further surgery may be needed to drain away the fluid in severe cases, but most seromas resolve without needing to be drained.
After breast implant surgery, you will have some degree of scarring. In most cases the scarring is relatively mild.
However, in a few cases the scarring is more severe. For these women, their scars may be red, lumpy, thick or painful.
These symptoms should improve gradually and over time the scars will begin to fade. But in some cases it may take several years before there is a noticeable improvement.
Creasing and folds
Sometimes a breast implant can affect the appearance of the skin on your breast. For example, after your operation you may find your skin has creases, kinks, folds or ripples.
Creasing and folds tend to be more common in women who have very small breasts before having breast implant surgery.
Altered nipple sensation
After breast implant surgery, about one in seven women find their nipples are less sensitive or completely desensitised (have no sensation at all).
Alternatively, your nipples may be more sensitive after having breast implant surgery. Sometimes the nipples can become so sensitive they are painful. Increased sensitivity usually lasts for three to six months.
If your nipples are painful, speak to your GP or surgeon about it.
Breastfeeding problems
Having breast implants should not stop you breastfeeding, although some women will find they are not able to breastfeed after breast implants. You may also produce slightly less breast milk than you would without implants.
Your baby will not experience any side effects if you have implants and breastfeed.
Infection and bleeding
Infection and bleeding are relatively rare after breast implant surgery. However, if you are having an implant fitted for breast reconstruction after a mastectomy (breast removal), you may have a greater risk of infection and bleeding.
Most infections can be treated using antibiotics. But if your breast becomes severely infected, you may need to have the implant removed to prevent further complications developing. You should be able to have the implant reinserted after the infection has cleared up.
However, it is important the implant is not reinserted too soon, as this can increase the risk of infection. Waiting a few months after the implant was removed is usually recommended.
Some research suggests your risk of infection and bleeding may be increased if you smoke because your wounds will take longer to heal. Your surgeon may recommend not smoking before your operation to reduce the risk of developing complications.
All types of breast implants are associated with a slightly increased risk of a very rare form of cancer called anaplastic large cell lymphoma (ALCL). However, it is not clear if the implants themselves directly cause this condition, and the overall risk is still extremely small.
In the US, figures from the National Cancer Institute state only around 1 in every 500,000 women is diagnosed with ALCL each year, and only around 3 in every 100 million are diagnosed with ALCL in the breast.
Breast cancer
There is strong scientific evidence to suggest having breast implants will not increase your risk of developing breast cancer, but it is still important for women with breast implants to attend breast screening appointments when invited.
Breast implants can affect breast screening as it may be more difficult to interpret the mammograms of women who have implants fitted. You should tell the healthcare professional taking the scan you have implants so they can ensure the best possible images are taken. Having a mammogram is unlikely to cause rupture of an implant unless it is already damaged.
If you have breast implants and develop breast cancer, your chances of making a full recovery will not be affected, but it is likely you would need to have your implants removed during the course of your treatment.
Silicone implant safety concerns
In recent years the safety of silicone breast implants has been debated. A small number of women have reported serious complications after silicone gel breast implant surgery. These complications include:
- muscle spasms and pain
- swollen and painful joints
- rashes
- changes in eye and saliva fluid
- hair loss
It was thought these complications may have occurred as a result of silicone gel leakage that spread to other parts of the body.
In response to these concerns, the Department of Health set up an independent review group to investigate the safety of silicone implants. The group found no scientific evidence to support the relationship between silicone implants and illness in women.
However, in March 2010 the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) advised surgeons not to use certain implants produced by a company called Poly Implant Prothese (PIP). These implants are filled with a type of silicone gel that has not been approved.
As yet there is no evidence to suggest the gel inside them is harmful. However, speak to your GP or the clinic where the implants were fitted if you have these gel implants and have any concerns.
Read more about PIP breast implants.
Will the NHS remove and replace my breast implants?
If you develop problems with your breast implants, you can usually have them removed on the NHS.
However, it is unlikely the NHS will replace the implants unless the original operation to fit them was carried out on the NHS.
If your implants were fitted privately, you may need to pay to have them replaced.
source http://www.nhs.uk/
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how to treat diarrhea quickly and safely
How to Overcome and Treat Diarrhea Quickly and Easily - Some people may still not understand how to cope with diarrhea quickly. Diarrhea is the specter of a hassle for the active worker. The body may be weak in addition to feel uncomfortable about having to travel back and forth to the bathroom to defecate.
if someone pee with normal frequency certainly not a big problem. However, if the frequency of bowel movements too often and remove dirt dilute, the diarrhea. This condition can be caused by bacteria e. coli into the human body. Bacterial contamination occurs because the system unhealthy food processing. for example, you are lazy to clean vegetables and fruit before it will be consumed. There are several ways to overcome diarrhea treatment quickly. as follows:
Drinking apple cider vinegar
How to Overcome and Treat Diareminum apple vinegar (apple cider vinegar) are mixed with juice or water. Wear at least 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar and repeat until signs of diarrhea disappeared.
Turmeric and warm water
Imbuhkan 1 teaspoon of turmeric with warm water. Turmeric can soothe the stomach, balance the digestive system, and add a healthy flora in the gut. The dose should be repeated daily until the diarrhea ends.
Stay away from milk, eggs, and wheat from the daily diet
The food at the top of a high allergen and can cause diarrhea especially for those who have been accustomed to eating these foods for the rest of their lives. Alternatively, switch to foods like soy milk. recovered after digestion situation, you can slowly return to consume these foods.
Drinking black tea or tea bitter
Tea can be an efficacious drug diarrhea. if they do not like and bitter, you can add two tablespoons of honey number every one cup of tea. drink black tea, raspberry, chamomile, ginger, and blackberry tea between meals in order to soothe the stomach and prevent dehydration.
drink Water
During diarrhea, the body secretes much needed additional supply of fluid so the fluid by drinking lots of water. consume enough water to avoid dehydration. Try to drink water, fruit juice or water-rich vegetable nodes.
Stay away from consuming alcohol
digestive system is disrupted so that the bowel does not work due to diarrhea. This state all do not exacerbated by the consumption of alcoholic beverages.
Enough rest
you can handle diarrhea with adequate rest. stay away from overly night sleep and wake up too early. digestive system also needs a rest to be able to recuperate and ready in time. enough sleep can help cure diarrhea you experienced.
drinking ORS
Among the drugs that are effective in dealing with diarrhea quickly is ORS. ORS is known as an electrolyte salt solution along with this powerful tool to choke the frequency of bowel movements are not uncommon.
Hope it is useful :)
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How To Get Pregnant Faster
Maybe you're just really eager to get pregnant, or maybe you want your baby's birth to happen at a specific time. Here are four tricks to make it more likely that you'll conceive soon after you start trying.
(You'll dramatically reduce the risk of certain birth defects if you begin taking folic acid at least one month before you start trying to conceive. Find out what else you can do ahead of time to give your baby a healthy start.)
Trick #1: See your practitioner and consider genetic testing
You're more likely to have a successful pregnancy if your body is up for the task. To find out whether you're in baby-making shape – and to learn what changes may help – schedule a preconception checkup with a doctor or midwife. You may not be able to get an appointment right away or resolve any health issues immediately, but taking these steps as soon as possible will help you conceive faster in the long run.
Depending on your ethnic background and family history, our practitioner may encourage you to consider genetic screening to see if you or your partner are carriers for serious inherited illnesses such as cystic fibrosis, sickle cell disease, and others. This may be the single most important thing you can do to help ensure a healthy baby, and all it requires is a saliva or blood sample from each of you. It's even covered by most health insurance policies.
Trick #2: Figure out when you ovulate
The biggest secret to getting pregnant faster is knowing when you ovulate (release an egg from your ovary). Think of the egg as a bull's-eye and the sperm as arrows. One of the arrows has to hit the bull's-eye in order for you to get pregnant.
Since you ovulate once each menstrual cycle, there are only a few days out of each cycle when sex can actually lead to pregnancy. Knowing when you ovulate means that you and your partner can identify the bull's-eye and then aim for it, instead of just shooting a bunch of arrows and hoping the target happens to be there.
You can figure out when you ovulate using a few different methods. Our article about predicting ovulation walks you through them.
If you notice that you have irregular periods over the course of several months, pinpointing ovulation could be difficult. Ask your doctor for advice.
Trick #3: Get busy at the right time
Once you know when your egg will be released from your ovary, you can plan to have sex during your most fertile days: from three days before ovulation through the day of ovulation. (Starting a little sooner can't hurt; some women have gotten pregnant from sex that happened six days before they ovulated.)
You have a range of days for baby-making sex because sperm can survive for three to six days in your body. (Your egg survives for only about a day.) That means if you have sex on Monday, sperm can survive in your fallopian tubes, waiting for an egg to float by, until around Thursday – or maybe even as late as Sunday.
If you're not sure when your fertile period will be, here's an easy rule of thumb: Hit the sheets every other day. Having sex this often means you'll have healthy sperm waiting in your fallopian tubes every day, ready to spring into action whenever your egg gets released.
(If you want to have sex more often than every other day, that's fine. It won't help you conceive faster, but it won't hurt, either.)
Another tip: If you and your partner are waiting to have sex until your most fertile time, make sure you haven't gone through too long of a dry spell beforehand. Your partner should ejaculate at least once in the days before your most fertile period. If he doesn't, there could be a buildup of dead sperm in his semen when it's go time, and dead sperm can't get you pregnant.
Trick #4: Set the stage for super sperm
Sperm have their best shot at fertilizing an egg when they're healthy, strong, and plentiful. Several things can help your partner get his sperm supply in fighting shape:
Cut back on alcohol (studies show that drinking daily can reduce testosterone levels and sperm counts and raise the number of abnormal sperm)
Nix tobacco and recreational drugs (these can cause poor sperm function)
Eat enough of certain key nutrients – like zinc, folic acid, calcium, and vitamins C and D – that help create plentiful, strong, wiggly sperm
Avoid hot tubs, saunas, and hot baths, since heat kills sperm (testicles function best at 94 to 96 degrees Fahrenheit, a couple of degrees cooler than normal body temperature)
The sooner your partner can make these changes, the better: Sperm take a while to develop, so the improvements he makes today will yield better sperm specimens about three months from now.
How long to try before seeking help
If you're going to get pregnant naturally, it's very likely to happen within the first three months. About 6 out of 10 couples have conceived by then.
After that, how long you should keep trying before you seek help from a fertility specialist depends in large part on your age. Fertility declines as you get older, so if you're over 40, get help from an expert right away. If you're 35 to 40, talk to a specialist after you've tried for six months with no luck. And if you're under 35, it's probably fine to keep trying for a year before seeking assistance.
Of course, if you have reason to suspect a fertility problem in yourself or your partner, go ahead and make an appointment – there's no reason to wait.
source http://www.babycenter.com/
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Natural Ways to Healthy Diets
The easy way to quickly healthy diet this time may be an example of a diet that is right for you who are dreaming of having a healthy body and ideal. Diet is one of the best ways to control weight and powerful bada you. However, the diet program also contained the rules - the rules you must obey in order to perfect your diet can go and get the maximum diet. How to program a good and healthy diet for a healthy body, Let's consider the following review.
General view of the diet
Basically, the diet is a program that takes time and process to be followed by everyone who runs programdiet. This is why sometimes people feel tired and bored when doing activities - activities repeatedly diet. So that he will return to bad habits such as uncontrolled diet, sleep patterns, and rarely exercise. Actual diet is the key focus and passion with the program - a diet program that you have set. Read also the benefits and efficacy of dragon fruit for health
There is one of the tips that you can possibly use to motivate yourself to your diet program runs lancar.Yaitu by displaying photos - ideal body photo that has been a yearning you to have a body like that. You can display or penaruh photos on the walls of the bedroom, dining room or any other place that you think fit. So if lazy and saturated hit, you will be re-motivated again.
Make it a goal objective
For the next stage dalah start making goals - goals that objective. No need to make a target that is too grandiose to cut weight drastically. Everyone who undergo diet programs would want to have maximum results, but also should consider the intake of calories required for the body. Suppose you get too excited so determined to cut 400-500 calories in the body. However, this is not recommended in the medical world. However a person's body must be given a calorie intake of 1200 to 1500 calories per day to be able to do a variety of activities. Pruning weight little by little routine is better than memforsir excessive body.
Breakfast is the most important thing
Do not just - you're mentang diet program then you ignore things - important things like breakfast. Breakfast or breakfast is something that must be done even if dieters. Because the breakfast then you will get nutrition and calories your body needs to undergo a variety of activities and has become one of the natural ingredients and natural to the body consumption. The important thing is to set the composition of your breakfast menu. Do not use menus that contain too much fat. Because it is not good for your diet program.
We recommend that you enter a little rice, fruits and vegetables in your breakfast menu. Or can also use the menu of sandwiches or sandwitch that your weight under control and your body still obtain good nutrition.
Frequently - often to exercise and eating fruit
Exercise is a powerful weapon in the diet program to obtain maximum results. Because of the fat content in the body of the sport can be burned and turned into energy that the body needs. Additionally begin to diligently consume fruits, fruit tuck into breakfast menu, lunch and dinner you for your diet program.
That's tips to keep your body in order to stay slim with natural diet. Hopefully we provide information that is useful to you.
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Benefits of Tomato Juice For Health
Tomatoes have a higher content of vitamin C than oranges, besides tomatoes also contain vitamin A, The following are the benefits of tomatoes
Benefits of Tomato Juice For Health
1. Keep you from prostate cancer thanks to lycopene and carotenoids in tomato juice. While fiber and water content in it is useful to maintain intestinal health.
2. Tomato vegetable juice is a natural antiseptic that can prevent diarrhea and other gastrointestinal infections.
3. When mixed with spinach juice, usefulness is to prevent constipation and improve the digestive system.
4. When mixed with carrot juice, the benefit is the cure eye such as night blindness, cataracts and sharpen vision.
5. Able to lower high cholesterol levels thanks to fiber and niacin which can break down LDL (Low-density lipoprotein) in the body.
6. Rich in anti-oxidants that can fight the growth of various types of cancer cells and relieve asthma, diabetes, and heart disease.
7. Research shows drinking tomato juice regularly can repair damaged skin cells by free radicals. You also can make face masks from tomatoes to soften the face naturally.
Useful for bleeding gums, bone health and prevent bone loss due to the content of vitamin C in tomatoes.
8. For those of you who like sports, tomato juice for health benefits is to help restore muscle fatigue after exercise.
9. The content of vitamin C in tomatoes is equivalent to citrus fruit, which is about 34 mg / 100 grams of material.
10. Now that we know the many benefits contained in this tomato juice, now let's see how to make tomato juice below.
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